Stage 4 – Years 7 and 8
Developing Global Perspectives. Stronger integration of digital learning environment. Consolidation of Learning Habits.
Stage 4 – Years 7 and 8
Developing Global Perspectives
Developing Global Leaders
Stage 4 marks the transition into high school, encompassing Years 7 and 8 as a two-year course aligned with the Australian Curriculum. This stage emphasises student voice, choice, and learning at a pace suited to their individual needs.Compared to traditional single-year level schooling, our stage-based model provides flexibility for all learners.
Students with gaps in literacy or numeracy are given extra time and targeted opportunities to meet level standards, while those excelling beyond their year level can access advanced learning outcomes. This approach ensures every student is challenged at the right level, avoiding disengagement and boredom while fostering growth and achievement.
Flexible groupings allow students to collaborate and work in teams based on interests, skills, or academic levels, encouraging peer learning and modelling. Students are also supported in exploring passion projects and inquiry-based learning, where they can direct their own focus and have a say in how they learn. Multi-age learning fosters stronger social-emotional development and prepares students for the challenges of high school, helping them grow in independence and creativity.
Josh Wilson
Deputy Principal,
Head of Middle Senior School
Nicole O'Donnell
Head of Stage 4