Principal Communications, 26 August 2024

26 August 2024


Dear Parents and Carers


It was good last week to engage in conversations with so many of you through the morning/evening with the Principal events. I appreciate the time you gave to engage in richly authentic conversation with me, sharing your perspectives.


Today I want to share with you the final appointments made for our 2025 leadership team.


Claire Turvey, Kate Lane and Ammie Dellosa have been appointed to the positions Head of Stages 1, 2 and 3 respectively in the Junior School. On Friday 30 August (the Queensland pupil free day) all JS teaching staff will be meeting at our Springwood campus for the day to complete First Aid training and to work in their stage teams.


As is common in the world of education, in semester two we work with an eye on future planning and with these appointments in place, teams can begin to look to 2025.


Our hope is that under the leadership of Kim, our learning design teams in the Junior School will find even more opportunities to collaborate in ways that allow each teacher to contribute ideas to the learning units we design for our students. When we work to our strengths, learning design is exceptional and your children benefit. At Calvary we are blessed by a team of committed and talented teachers who provide quality learning opportunities for each child.


This morning I heard a brief presentation from a team of MSS staff who are monitoring student use of technology and the impact on their learning and mental health. The College is keen to work with you to support our young people in the development of healthy online habits and responsible use of digital technology. With the help of our IT Manager, the College has selected a software application to empower teachers with accurate student usage data and processes to ensure our students are making good choices online. This will be introduced next year.


I encourage you to come to the Safe on Socials event to be held at the College tomorrow as we seek to partner more deeply with you in helping us to help your children.


Yours sincerely


Cherylynne Gostelow