Middle Senior School Communications, 15 August 2024

Term 3 - Week 6

Coming up - Week 7

19 – 23 Aug: National Book Week

21 Aug: Morning/Evening with the Principal – information session

23 Aug: Father's Day Movie Night


Future dates

27 Aug: Safe on Socials – Parent Presentation

30 Aug: Pupil Free Day

2-6 Sept: Good News Week

4-12 Sept: 11-12 Examination Block

7 Sept: Showcase

A note from the Head of Middle and Senior School (Mr Wilson)

Dear Parents and Carers


The College is currently a hive of activity, and I would like to spend a moment to acknowledge our wonderful teaching staff at Calvary, whose passion for our students is seen in every facet of College life. In the last fortnight:

  • our Year 10 HASS team took the cohort on their Classroom in the City project to engage with experts in discussions around sustainability and planning in the Brisbane City area.
  • members of our Stage 4 team and Mrs Gostelow started a Knitting Club - at student request!
  • our ensembles and choirs participated at the Redlands Eisteddfod – a special call out to our Guitar Ensemble, who won their category, and to Dr Holley for the ongoing coaching he provides to these groups.
  • our Show Team, along with Mrs Bullas and Farmer Haupt, have moved their living quarters to the Ekka and will remain there, living amongst the sheep for a few more days.
  • our Senior Girls Volleyball Team competed in the Queensland Volleyball Senior Schools Cup under the guidance of Mr Paech.
  • our STEM staff have been running daily activities for students for Science Week
  • Mrs Zipf has been coordinating sell-out hospitality events with students
  • Mr Morton’s fishing club has been in full swing, and the list could go on and on…

There is always something happening at Calvary, and I am very grateful for the dedicated team of teachers who provide so many different opportunities for our students to enjoy. We would love to see more of our students engage with activities beyond the classroom, so please encourage your child to find something they can join that will enrich their life at school.

Mr Josh Wilson
Head of Middle & Senior School & Innovative Learning Design

General Notices

Cafe Specials - Week 7 of Term 3


Whether you made it an Ekka show day or a rest day, I hope you’ve enjoyed the public holiday this week.


If you happen to be at the Ekka over the coming days, be sure to visit Calvary’s Sheep Show Team. Each year staff, students, and a selection of Calvary’s finest farm animals, camp at the Agricultural Pavilion and participate in the Grand Parade and Young Judges competitions.


Congratulations to the Sheep Show team and to our JAG and Visual Arts club students on the many ribbons and places you’ve received throughout the week!

Ekka 1
Ekka 3
Ekka 2

Interhouse Capture the Flag

Next week, our House Leaders will be hosting a whole House Capture the Flag competition during our regular House Assembly period. As part of this initiative, students will be allowed to wear their sports uniform to school for the day to enable them to participate in this activity. 

Book Week

The students and staff in the Middle and Senior School will be celebrating Book Week with a special Dress Up Day on Friday, August 23. We challenge our students to dress up as their favorite book characters for a chance to win prizes and be part of the Interhouse Instagram video challenge on the day.
To ensure everyone has a great time, please support your children in choosing characters that are respectful and age-appropriate for the school context. A special reminder that all costumes should meet the school's free dress policy, which is attached here for your reference.

Coming Up Events @ Calvary

Our current College events can be found on our website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/

GENTS Camp is back this Spring, bigger and better than ever!

If you’re a boy in grades 7-10, prepare for a week of action-packed outdoor activities like cable water skiing, Aqua Fun Park, the beach, Laser Skirmish, and more! 
Once again, our tribes will compete for the Tribal Wars Cup – who will win this year? 
Plus, we ask all the big questions about God and the universe. 
The last day to register is 30 August, and places book out fast, so don’t miss out!
Week 1 (16-21 September) rego link:

Week 1 Rego

Week 2 (23-28 September) rego link (the better week 😉 ):

Week 2 Rego

Check us out on YouTube @gentscampsu where we have videos of every camp since 2012!
Week1 Poster
Week2 Poster

Movie Night

We are excited to announce that our Year 10 students will be hosting an outdoor Movie Night for the Calvary Community on August 23rd. This special event is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Father's Day, Sunday 1 September, or simply come and enjoy some quality time with your family.
The movie being screened is 'IF', a heartwarming and inspirational film suitable for all ages. In addition to the movie, our Year 10 students will be hosting a variety of games starting at 5:15 PM to entertain children while they wait for the movie to begin. Food, snacks, and drinks will be available for purchase on the night, with all proceeds going towards our Children of Compassion initiative.
For further details and a QR code that can be scanned, please view the attached poster or use the following link to purchase your tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/CSQLE

Safe on Socials Presentation

Calvary is hosting safe on socials, presented by Kira Pendergast on Tuesday 27 August. 

Details on flyer and link below.

Sport Aerobics


VENUE- Logan Metro Sport & Events Centre,357 Browns Plains Road, Crestmead QLD 4132

DATE-   Friday 16th August - SECONDARY TEAMS 

Events to come:

31st August - National Championships (Gold Coast Sport & Leisure Centre, Carrara)

Showcase - Journey Through Time

Senior Showcase is happening again on Saturday 7 September 2024 at CCC Carbrook. The concert begins at 7 pm and will celebrate the 40 years of Calvary. More information coming soon.

Rehearsal on Thursday Evening 29 August 6.30 pm – 8 pm at Carbrook for all students in MSS Chorale and Intermediate Band, plus any voices students that can make it. More information to come shortly

Showcase rehearsal during the day on Thursday 5 September for the following ensembles. Voices, Boys and Girls Ensemble, Intermediate Band, Intermediate Strings and Jnr Percussion.

Showcase sound check Saturday 7 September for students performing from 12 pm onwards.

A memo regarding these two days will be sent shortly.

Calling All Calvary Music Alumni

As part of our 40th Year celebrations we wish to extend an invitation to any former Calvary Music students to participate in our Showcase by joining one, or more, of our Ensemble Groups.

Please use the link below to register your interest.

Instrumental Program

Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment:  Register Here

Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf


Calvary Performing Arts Facebook

Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.



All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au



Dr Gary Holley

Head of Calvary Performing Arts